
Showing posts from July, 2022

The invention of Pizza

  Who does not love a cheesy pizza dripping with fresh mozzarella cheese  laden with a topping of fresh vegetables. Made your moth water? It mande my moth water too. Pizza is a favorite with  children and adults alike! But do you know how this extremely delicious dish come into existence?! Food of a region is actually a reflection of it's culture and life-style. Some delicious food items that came into existence have an interesting history behind them.  They also have many dishes which resemble them. The same is true for our pizza. Pizza has actually been defined differently be different historians. While the Italians are credited for making the first pizza, the roots of this dish can be tracked back to the Egyptians who ate flatbread baked on the oven. Another dish similar to pizza and also considered it's precursor  can be traced  to the Greeks who ate baked flatbread topped with olive oil and spices. Today it is called the focaccia bread. The first pizza with which we are fa

Contribution of poets in the Indian Independence Struggle

The popular saying that the "pen is more powerful than the sword" holds true when we talk about  the Indian Freedom Struggle. Literature is the food for human soul and Poems are the soul of Literature. Poems are the most sublime form of literature and  have forever been the sweetest way of conveying eternal truths and pearls of wisdom. Poems also arouse soul-stirring emotions and ignite lamps if hope and inspirations. The period of Freedom struggle saw the rise of  Nationalism. Each and every Indian united against the British force and faught as one for the Independence of their motherland. While our freedom fighters faught the Britishers by putting their lives on stake, it was for the great poets of our country that India arose to the concept of a Nation and people's hearts were filled with patriotism and courage. Poets like Gurudev Rabindranath Tegore, Sarojini Naidu,  Maithili Sharangupta, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar weaved magic into words by expressing their devotion towar